The release of Nevermet Press' next Big Thing drifts ever closer, like an iceberg in the cold north Atlantic . . . or something like that.
I have spent a great deal of time on the encounter map for the adventure's climactic battle. Unfortunately, I fear posting it here would be a spoiler. As a mea culpa, here's a small bit of interior artwork I contributed to the project:
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
DnD: Quick Review of the Essentials Rules Compendium
Last night I picked up a copy of the Essential Rules Compendium
. Here's what you need to know about it:
- You cannot use this book to make characters. The basics of character creation are spelled out, but the race- and class- specific information are in the Heroes of the Fallen Lands
(Clerics, Fighters, Rogues & Wizards / dwarves, eladrin, elves, halflings & humans) and Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms (Druids, Paladins, Rangers & Warlocks / dragonborn, drow, half-elves, half-orcs & tieflings) books.
- The book is intended as a quick table reference. Find the rule you need in the detailed table of contents or index and flip to it. Granted, there are a few pages in the front that go over the history of D&D and the nature of roleplaying (wasted space, IMHO). The rest of the book, however, dumps almost all the fluff and pretty artwork to get to the point. As such, rules lawyers and DM's will benefit the most from having it at their side.
- It's $20. Not a bad price for a compact, currently up-to-date set of rules. Certainly cheaper than the regular 4e hardcover PHB was. Of course, the (first) PHB had everything you needed to build and play a character. If you plan on getting this and one of the other books mentioned above, expect to shell out at least $40 in the store - a bit less online.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Misc: Another 'I don't have anything to say' Post.
If my life had a soundtrack, it would currently be playing the following (set to scenes from Red Dead Redemption for both your visual and auditory amusement):
Aside from having moved, trying to get settled in our new house, attempting to grow grass during a drought (as opposed to weeds), starting our oldest in kindergarten, freelance work and the start of a new semester at my 9-to-5, I am currently working on encounter maps for our forthcoming Nevermet Press adventure and will (hopefully) get some additional smaller drawings done as we do copious amounts of driving this weekend.
No rest for the wicked, indeed.
Aside from having moved, trying to get settled in our new house, attempting to grow grass during a drought (as opposed to weeds), starting our oldest in kindergarten, freelance work and the start of a new semester at my 9-to-5, I am currently working on encounter maps for our forthcoming Nevermet Press adventure and will (hopefully) get some additional smaller drawings done as we do copious amounts of driving this weekend.
No rest for the wicked, indeed.
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