Thursday, July 16, 2009

DnD: Perilous Procession #3 - Uncover the Thief

#3 - Discover the Thief
The PC's find that they are not the first and only group the caravan leader has taken on, several other groups and individuals are traveling with them - and not all of them can be trusted. Complaints of theft have been on the rise, money and personal items have gone missing. Despite his best efforts, the caravan leader has been unable to determine who the thief is. Perhaps this most recent group of outsiders has some ability to ferret out the thief? Hopefully they can put a stop to it before some of their fancy equipment turns up missing as well. The PC's must be careful, however, as a poorly handled investigation will not only tip of the thief, but annoy everyone else as well.

Encounter Level
PC Level + 2

2 (6 successes before 3 failures)

Primary Skills

  • Bluff (Moderate DC)
    Look, you can deny it all you want, but someone witnessed you sneaking around the antiquity dealer's money chest.
    • After first failure vs. an NPC, subsequent uses of this skill auto-fail for the PC who used it vs. that NPC, -2 for other PCs to use vs. that NPC)

  • Intimidation (Moderate DC)
    (cracking knuckles) Let's just skip the questions and get straight to beating the truth out of him.
    • After first failure with vs. an NPC, subsequent uses of this skill auto-fail for the PC who used it vs. that NPC, -2 for other PCs to use vs. that NPC)

  • Insight (Hard DC)
    You seem to be awfully nervous. Are these questions making you uncomfortable?

  • Perception (Moderate DC)
    Someone left a distinctive set of footprints by that wagon last night. Would you care to explain why you made them?

  • Religion (Moderate DC)
    The gods are always watching. You may be able to fool us, but you will never be able to fool them
    • Maximum one success per NPC; +1 if the PC using this skill has a divine class
Success - thief is caught, the caravan is extremely grateful (Prices lower by 10%, +2 Diplomacy and Bluff checks vs. caravan)

Failure - cannot determine the thief's identity; the group has up to [1d10 + Level] gold stolen, caravan is annoyed w/PC's (Prices increase by 5%, -1 Diplomacy and Bluff checks vs. caravan)

Critical Failure (less than 3 successes before 3 failures) - an innocent person is wrongly accused; the group has [1d10 + Level] gold AND 1 magic item stolen, caravan is highly annoyed w/PC's (Prices increase by 10%, -2 Diplomacy and Bluff checks vs. caravan)

Note: If failed (not critically), this skill check may be repeated during the course of a trip - I recommend no more than once per day/extended rest. Each failure increases chance of facing Earn Your Keep by 10%.

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